Navigating Comet's new website, Tips and Tricks

February 15, 2025

Navigating Comet's new website, Tips and Tricks

Comet’s new website launched on August 14th 2024. The new site is quite a change from the previous site that launched in 2013. The new site has a lot more features but it’s also a different way to browse and shop.

Here’s some tips and links to make your shopping experience on the new Comet site easier and fun!

We have a NEW PRODUCTS collection we update as fun new items go up on the website. It’s located up the MORE tab in the Super Menu or you can just type NEW PRODUCTS into the search.

The “Super Menu” is new but many features of the old website are still there. If you go to the ENGINES or CHASSIS section, the first set of collections on both are sorted by brand and will take you to each Engine or Chassis manufacturer with parts diagrams for easy identification, just like the old website. This makes finding the parts you need for your Briggs LO206 or IAME KA100 quick and easy. On the Chassis side it's the same for OTK karts and other brands.

On the ENGINES menu, we also have a Clutch Part Collection, under that heading we feature every clutch manufacturer with links to parts and diagrams, just like the old website.

Many search results will also display a link under “Categories” in the results, these links will take you to full collections that will show you all the products that are similar to the product you want. If you type in “Seats” there is a Categories link for “Seats & Kart Seat” which will show you all the seats we sell. Seats are also in collections by Brand. So if you type in “Tillett” it will bring up a Category for “Tillett Kart Racing Seats” which will only be the Tillett seats in a Collection.

Which brings us to another new feature, FILTERS. The old website had no filters. On the new site, if you go to a section with lots of parts on it like “Pistons & Rings” but you only want to see “Briggs” related products, just click on the filters and select “Briggs” under Brand, and only the Briggs pistons and rings will be displayed. There’s additional filters on most pages to further refine your search such as Engine Model and the parts Type (i.e. Piston, Circlips etc.). The FILTERS are very powerful and will help refine your searches on pages that at first might seem overwhelming.

There are many new features on the new Comet site, we hope this guide will make it easier to discover and unlock these powerful new features.