Briggs LO206 Stock Kid Kart Engine Kit, Includes Fuel Pump and Clutch
Select - Chain Guard Type, Motor Mount
Includes -
Briggs LO206 Kid Kart Engine
Max Torque Clutch with 17t Sprocket (Spec Clutch comes with Engine)
55728 Black Carb Slide (Comes with Engine)
Header Bolt Kit
5507 RLV Pipe Kit with Muffler
Valve Cover Fitting
Fuel Pump Pulse Fitting
555729 Briggs Air Filter (Spec Air Filter comes with Engine)
Chain Guard - Performance Manufacturing or Comet (optional)
Chain Guard Bolt Kit
Choke Lever Spring
Fuel Filter
Header Heat Sleeve
Barrel Throttle Cable
Fuel Line for Fuel Pump (2 feet)
Performance Motor Mount, 8 Degree (optional)
Odenthal EZ Set 4 Cycle Motor Mount (optional)