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  • Comet Kart Sales Race Team

    Comet Kart Sales offers trackside engine support for our Comet Racing Engines customers at USPKS and select SKUSA SuperKarts USA! events. Comet's track support includes engine support for IAME Swift, IAME X30 and IAME KA100.

    Comet Kart Sales is based out of Greenfield, Indiana, just east of Indianapolis. Founded in 1959, Comet Kart Sales is one of the largest retailers in karting and has been a fixture on the national karting scene for over 50 years with championships in every division of karting. Comet is also the home of National Championship winning Comet Racing Engines specializing in Two Cycle Engines including the IAME X30, IAME Swift, IAME KA100, Vortex Rok and Yamaha KT100.

    See our website or contact us for more information. www.cometkartsales.com | phone 317-462-3413 | md@cometkartsales.com